Well, disaster DID happen. At the end of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant...you know, the most pivotal and exciting moment of each contestant's lives...the host, Steve Harvey, was supposed to announce the winner. Which, by all accounts, he did. However, Steve Harvey mistakenly announced the first runner up, Miss Colombia, as the new Miss Universe 2015 when it was actually Miss Philippines who was supposed to be the winner!!
Steve Harvey had to recant his statement during the explosive celebration and explain that he made an erronious mistake, then he announced the who the real winner was. Oh man...that was beyond terrible.
But one man's blunder is the internet's treasure! #TheInternetHasNoChill and almost as soon as the mistake was made, meme creators online were making hilarious miss universe memes that highlight Steve Harvey's blunder.
The City Of The Meme always recognizes great memes as they are produced and here are several of the latest string of miss universe memes about Steve Harvey and the mess he made at The Miss Universe 2015 pageant. ENJOY!!
Here are some honorable mentions:
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